Police Department History

 The information below is compiled from various sources that include council meeting minutes, ordinances, and other public documents. Individuals are strongly encouraged to help provide additional information regarding the history of the Thornville Police Department so we can update this website and historical displays located at the Village of Thornville offices. The Thornville Police Department is always looking for pieces that make up our past such as: old police patches, badges, uniforms, newspaper clippings of the police in action, photographs, old police reports, tickets, and other documents that provide insight to our past. These articles can be lent to or donated to the department or we can copy or photograph your information. All help is greatly appreciated!

 (In reverse chronological order)

CHIEFS OF POLICE: (also referred to as “Village Marshal”)

January 2020

Daniel Williams was appointed Chief of Police by Mayor Daniel Harmon.

March 2, 2010

Darrell J. Ball was appointed Chief of Police by Mayor Beth Patrick. 

 January 29, 2008

Nick Garver was appointed Chief of Police by Mayor Beth Patrick. Chief Garver replaced interim Chief Mike Shankle. Chief Shankle was appointed as “Police Captain” immediately after Nick Garver was appointed the new Chief.

 January 1, 2008 Mike Shankle appointed Chief of Police by Mayor Beth Patrick after a letter was submitted by Chief Duane Moore that he and his wife, Captain Elaine Moore are both retiring. Chief Shankle accepted the position on the basis that it be temporary until a permanent full-time police chief is hired.

 October 4, 1994 Duane Moore was appointed Chief of Police by Mayor Robert Lamp. Chief Moore served until he retired December 31, 2007. Chief Moore was later appointed as Thorn Township’s Fire Chief in 2008.

 August 29, 1988 Roy Watson was appointed “Deputy Marshal.” To the best of our knowledge, Mr. Watson basically assumed the position of “Marshal” (aka Chief of Police). The Chief of Police position was vacant as of August 8, 1988, which was 3 weeks prior to his appointment. He was later hired “full-time” on April 10, 1989 and continued to serve in the position of what was referred to as “Deputy Marshal” until he was replaced by Chief Moore in 1994. It is unclear why he was referred to as a “deputy” in the minutes.

 June 1, 1968 Wirt Barrera was appointed as “Village Marshal” to replace Raymond McNabb who resigned that week.

 September 5, 1960 Raymond McNabb was appointed by Mayor George B. Stevens as temporary “Village Marshal” at a salary of $125/month. He was later appointed permanently on January 3, 1961 at a salary of $50/month.


 September 13, 1993 – Police Cruiser now in-service

August 10, 1992 – Charles Alcon appointed as a part-time officer

 January 14, 1991 – Village considers contracting with PCSO for additional police protection; however no agreement or record showing it happened has been located.

November 28, 1990 – Auxiliary Police Unit created

November 12, 1990 – Glenn Robinson resigns from police force

April 10, 1989 – Council passed Ordinance 89-2 with suspended readings to hire a full-time Deputy Marshal. (Roy Watson)

March 13, 1989 – Glen Robinson hired as a Deputy Marshal with 6 months probation @ $3.50/hr. Roy Watson hired @ $3.50 also temporary probation for 30 days until the solicitor can draw up an ordinance for a full-time Marshal.

Feb. 13, 1989 – Mayor Terry Lynn asked Deputy Watson to review his previous employments and present employment with the Village. Council considered making his position 52 hours per month with an annual salary of not more than $4,500. Mayor Lynn read a letter from Mr. Barrera asking to be reinstated as Village Marshal. Roy Watson hired as deputy Marshal.

Feb. 13, 1989 – Betty Miller presented a petition with 120 signatures to reinstate Mr. Wirt Barrera as local Chief of Police. Mayor Terry Lynn spoke about Roy Watsons qualifications. Mayor Lynn presented his opinion to offer village equipment to police the village and the township.

November 14, 1988 – Council voted not to renew the contract for Marshal Jay Jones

October 10, 1988 – Clerk Wilson read a letter from Mr. Barrera stating he does not wish to be reinstated; Roy Watson and Jay Jones will do extra patrol.

August 29, 1988 – Jae Jones hired as temporary Marshal, Roy Watson and Mr. Roberts as deputy marshals

August 8, 1988 – This will be Wirt Barrera’s last day as Chief of Police, Deputies Sally Bell & Duane Moore resigned and turned in their badges to Mayor Terry Lynn as well.

August 12, 1974 – Lester Hoffer hired as part-time officer @ $2.50/hr.

April 8, 1974 – A motion was made for a resolution for the Village of Thornville off-duty police force to carry off duty weapons, motion passes.

October 1, 1973 – James Foltz & Lester Hoffer are hired as part-time patrolmen @ $2.00/hr.

September 12, 1973 – Mayor Wayne Blackstone announces the resignation of Bud Runyon and Thomas Bartolomucci, both “Police Patrolmen.” Mayor Blackstone then read his own letter of resignation. The Patrolmen turned in their keys and equipment.

August 20, 1973 – Village purchases a radar unit

May 14, 1973 – Village has 2 patrolmen on duty during the year except Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, when they will alternate months.

August 3, 1970 – Marshal Barrera is authorized to purchase a cruiser, a radio and a Kodak. Bud Runyon and Thomas Bartolomucci be employed as assistants to Barrera and classified as “Officers of the Law.”

June 3, 1968 – A motion was made by Callahan to accept a letter from Raymond McNabb for his resignation as the Village Marshal. Motion by Callahan that Wirt Barrera be appointed to secede Raymond McNabb as Village Marshall effective June 1, 1968 at a salary of $50 per month, plus an allowance for Gasoline used in his duties as Marshal. Motion by Williams that Dave Lewis serve as an assistant to Wirt Barrera as July 3, 1961 – Callahan made a motion to “have the Fire Department men sworn in to act as Police during the Sesquicentennial,” motion carried. Later that meeting, Anspach made a motion to authorize Marshal Raymond McNabb to secure sufficient men to assist him in policing the Village during the sesquicentennial at $1.50/hr., motion carried.

January 7, 1963 – Council determined that Marshal Ramond McNabb has faithfully performed the duties of Village Marshal for his probationary period and was finally appointed with a salary of $50/month.

September 5, 1960 – Raymond McNabb was hired as a temporary Village Marshal, until January 1, 1961.

October 5, 1959 – George Starr be appointed as assistant town marshal for the holidays at a rate of $1.50/hr.

June 1, 1959 – The Village recommends to the Thorn Township Trustees to place a 2 Mil levy on the ballot for police protection.